Thursday 3 November 2011

Best New Years Celebrations

I love New Year's Eve. It's such a great night party, everybody in a good mood, waiting to welcome in the New Year. I usually like to try to travel somewhere new for New Year's Eve, instead of just staying home. We went to Cancun Mexico one year, but my husband ended up sick so we didn't go out and party for New Year's Eve. When I booked the trip, I thought "how great would that be to party in Cancun on New Year's Eve?"
Turns out it wasn't really all that great. I don't know if it is like that all the time, but the weather that year on New Years Eve was really not very nice. The daytime temperatures were not what I was expecting at all, and the days were overcast a lot. The good news about my husband being sick on New Year's Eve, is on New Year's Day was the best weather that we had the entire time we were there, and so I was able to enjoy my day on the beach without a hangover.