Saturday 19 November 2011

New Years Horoscope

Capricorn-loves a bargain and no coincidence that January is the best month for sales. Capricorn can stretch a dollar, can be frugal, but only purchases the best. This sign of the Zodiac is a magician with money and has a natural talent for sniffing out quality merchandise. Born a snob, Capricorn enjoys bumping elbows with the rich and famous. The goal is to climb the status ladder and become the boss.
The symbol of Capricorn is the mountain goat. Observe these individuals mapping out their strategy for their life's journey. Capricorn is forever climbing, persistent, patient and practical. Young-at-heart, Capricorn begins life old and responsible, after about 29 years of evolving and learning, Capricorn is ready to emerge a well-grounded, good-humored adult.